Thursday 9 February 2012

Dedicated to Izzie

Well, I have been doing Beethovens 9th! Yay!

The Choral Symphony! Woo! Fucking wonderful!

So, we have to do it! It's compulsory but that's not the problem really, it's the way they are doing it with us!
They gave us a choice of what to do, this or Damien Harrons thing of weird chanting stuff. But the choral symphony is compulsory for classical students how lovely!

So we start off with the warm doing all weird shit like, giving each other massages, doing funny actions with our hands and rubbing our face, and the ball thing! oh yeah! The ball thing is my highlight of choir and Lisa loves it too! You pretend to throw a ball and have to make the noise yourself and go from as high as you can go to lowest! Bloody brilliant!

Dane, the rehearsal choir master as actually quite good, but he seriously takes the piss with the numbers thing!


Anyway, we always go off into sectionals with Angela! Woo!
Take the piss time!
Poor woman takes some shit! But it's so funny and so bad! But the best is her singing soprano top G haha! Bless. Repect about the whole perfect pitch thing! Hat's off to that! But that still doesn't help the fact that you can't sing that high babe!

I know a few of us come away from choir feeling pretty much like we've done nothing or its just been faffing around but I'm just not motivated at all for it!
We just end up laughing and joking around.

COME ON!! We even put chicken in the music for goodness sake! That's when you know it's going bad, when you resort to singing random shit.

Anyway, this was for Izzie, I hope she liked it! Well, she better, hopefully I'll add to this after tomorrow's practice!


Hope Mc xxx

P.S It's also for Lisa who beared the pain of my massage last week in choir and helped me take the piss during the rehearsal! Love you x