Monday 25 June 2012

In the mind of a recitalist...

Recital Day: 10th May 2012

Getting ready for my recital sat in the practice room, all comfy and relaxing listening to a bit of Bananarama, 'Only you can set me free, 'cos I'm guilty, guilty as a girl can be,' very happy and content singing to myself.

So I move to go and find my warm up room and accompanist, but bumped into Leanne on the way with David (the accompanist). We wished each other good luck and they went on their way so Leanne could take her chances on the dreaded RECITAL.

So I find the room, most importantly, I'd never been in this room before. So, I decided to have a nose around and found an electric drum kit in the little room next door. Two words. GET IN! Had a little play on those, had a little play around on the piano, playing some random shit and then I had to sing through some of my songs.

David returned after playing for Leanne and we had a little sing song through my songs, then just just had a little chat about the difference between singing in a church choir and being a solo artiste!

Ros summoned us to come in.
okay, this was it. Just keep cool, oh my god, it's boiling in here. Black woolen dress and blazer is no good in sunshine and high temperatures. Okay, lets forget the weather and let's sing. Eurgh, my mouth is soo dry. It's okay, let's begin.

I hand over the books and programme, and slowly and calmly walk into place.

I breathe slowly.      In, then out.        In, then out.

As I turn and nod to David to begin.
I really don't know how I could stand there and do what I did. I just went completely into overdrive, especially in the first song.
Comments were:

  • This was a pleasant and pure sound.  In general, the intonation was secure and the high notes were well supported.  You decorated the da capo appropriately and you communicated expressively.
No idea how i did it. Total blur. 

The second song, the really only fast song I was doing, so that couldn't come sooner enough. I really needed a drink and was so hot! But this is what it came out as. 
  • You obviously understand the text and the Italian is good although some consonants could be lighter (t’s are a bit wet). 
yes, I know my italian isn't great thanks. 
I then sang a German song which went quite well, and was alright. 

But the dreaded song of the whole recital, Voi Che Sapete. Even typing it make me twitch. 
Being up at 2 o'clock the night before panicking as I couldn't remember the stupid words, really made me not want to do it. 
But this is what came out of it.
  • This was well prepared and your interpretation was very characterful.  Your legato was ofgten good but your Italian needs checking for detail
It was done. Thank. God. 

The other two just seemed to fly by, 
with comments of 'Good atmosphere and good German.  This was a convincing interpretation.  The German b’s were too dry and sounded like p’s.  But this was a lovely heartfelt performance' 
and 'Attractive – sweet sustained lines with some moving piano singing' 

I've got some comments to work on, 'You are a naturalperformer with great vocal potential.  However, at the moment, the sound is rather small and pressed and you need to use your whiole body and open up your vocal tract to create a freer and larger sound.' So plenty of work to do! 

I couldn't wait to get out. I literally ran, and bought some chocolate and had a cold pint at my favourite local Leeds pub. 

All good. :) 

Singing your heart out

Recently we've had a specialist project week.

Now there were many choices of project you could have done; advanced pop harmony, yoga for musicians, Tudor choral workshop, collaborative composition. 

But I chose the fun option of Gospel Choir :) 

A week of sunshine and singing fab uplifting songs, yes please. 
So the week began on Tuesday with our first session. We met Nikki Allen who was leading the project week and she explained to us that we would be doing a short concert Friday afternoon. We had a little discussion of a couple of songs we wanted to have a go at. so we began starting off with a bit of oh when the saints, and swing low. Then we tried a song called leave it there. It went good for a first go at harmonies and singing together as a choir. After trying it through a couple of times we got into the swing of things and picked it up straight away.

So we cracked on with more songs learning them from memory and a few lyric sheets. It was great learning it this way, it gave so much flexibility and we loved learning the songs. Starting off with a simple song called, Leave It There, which is quite a nice song.
Moving onto, sister act songs, obviously, and some new ones we hadn't heard of before.

Through these we learnt the art of ad libbing. Oh yes, ad libbing. That was a fun time! People did really well and had a ball with it.

The best bit was the concert. We were all in high spirits as we got in our lines and got ready to sing our first song. The solo's were great, the ad libbing was brilliant and I hope we get to do this again! check out the video of us!

Friday 22 June 2012

Angus, thongs and a lot of laughter...

So we (Laura, Steph and myself) didn't have anything/one planned for valentine's day. How lovely! :/
What were we going to do?
Fuck all?

No. We'll go and see the biggest singletons play ever!

Angus, Thongs, and Even More Snogging.

Oh yes, we went.

So, that day, I took Steph on the worst date to Nando's ever. The food was good, but the date was so awkward and I was not interested in her at all! hehe    :D

So we got ready for the theatre and we met Laura at our flat.
We walked over to the West Yorkshire Playhouse not knowing exactly what was going to happen.

We got a drink and took our places. The stage looked fab.
The actors were out on full force getting kids onto the stage to do a dance and it was hilarious seeing the dads dragged up to join in. The looks on their faces just seemed to say, mortified.

The began with a lot of giggles and huge out bursts of laughter throughout, even if the younger sister was a freaky puppet and the cat was basically a tiger.
Every time that stupid cat came on, I was like, oh fuck off with that horrible cat, oh flipping heck not that bloody cat again. It wasn't long for the saddest part of the story to come along.

The mother, who is also Alison in Miranda, yeah, I know, cool huh, phones Georgia to say her cat has been ran over. Everyone in the theatre was awww-ing, and I just cannot help but piss myself laughing. I thought it was the most hilarious thing in the whole show and I just couldn't help myself. I was shaking trying to keep it in and will never ever forget it.

the sow was fantastic and if anyone gets a chance to see it, please go, it's frigging hilarious!