Friday 30 December 2011

Just another sing song.

Singing, singing, singing.

For 12 years, singing has had sone sort of part of my life. I have no idea what interested me into singing. None whatsoever.
It might be my mum making me sing at people walking in the air when I was five?!? Or knowing every single word of the spice girls. Possibly even my primary school teacher making me sing over the rainbow when I was 7?

But something made me want to do it.

Luckily enough my local church opened it's choir to girls, and I went. Simple as that. Weirdly, I got the whole choral singing voice, the whole chorister sound. I don't even know how that happened?? I just got it. I remember being 9 thinking, 'god this is easy!' I could just do it and sing the songs and the hymns and get them right?

So secondary school came along and really didn't tell anyone about singing, didn't feel I had to. Until, year 9 in my first class with a different music teacher, 'now, I'll go down the register and you need to tell me what you play and anything musical you do in or outside of school.' shit, I thought oh great got to tell them i sing.

'Hope Marie Mcnulty.' Shit this is it.

'yes, I have guitar lessons in school, play in the light music group, oh and I'm head chorister of my church choir.'
Phew. I don't think I've ever spoken so fast in my life. I just hid behind the keyboard.
'what the fuck?? You do opera! Haha! Gutted' was the best reaction I received wonderful!

After that school got more musical for me and no longer about sport. I played in the netball team, hockey team and rounders team, and played football then too. But music kind of gave me something to do without being overly competitive.

So I had to join the senior choir (yawn) and got allowed to join the chamber choir without having to audition haha. Wonderful! Singing songs that I'd already done for years in church and were quite easy.

But then the solos came along. Fml. Three kings, once in royal, and if I get asked to sing the lords my shepherd one more time, I'll commit! Okay, I have won about 7 trophies and placed over 30 times with that song but come on. That's just too many times!!

Then 6th form, ok, duetting with my friend zoya at prize giving was good but now I was doing something musical everyday senior choir, orchestra, light music, chamber choir, and jazz band on a Friday. Plus teaching myself to pass grade 5 theory. Musiced out! Then second year saw me starting my singing lessons jumping in at grade 6!

So I left school being cheated out of a higher grade in music as I was told my performances were given a disgraceful U, so I left school feeling pretty shit, after I decided history wasn't for me and focused on my music for it to be thrown back in my face. Well, I threw myself into my summer show.

And I had a new job! Haha! Woo! Fab! Little shits that's all I'm saying! Well.

Got my grade 8 and had to do my auditions! Woo!

And I ended up in Leeds College of Music after a lot of debate.

And I'm back for christmas singing. And had to save my old church choir when only two trebles turned up and I had to just sing 'properly' grrr....

Well. I've spoken too much!

Love Hope Mc x

Thursday 29 December 2011

Its not that sunny in Scunny

7.30am: alarm saying get the fuck up!

I've been at scunthorpe today visiting my liberal ginge! Haha Miss Laura Barnes. With my nans railcard thing I got to get the train for a £5 thanks very much!!

So I was sat on the train at 9.22 to manchester pic where I had to change! That was the tricky part, trying to walk through the ticket/ security people then them running after me when I just walked straight through! Excuse me! Excuse me I got all the way down the corridor! You've breached security!!

So I made it to my scunny train by the skin of my teeth!

Nice little journey next to a bunch of kids :/

Well, I made it. Where the hell was I? Where was everything?? Why was I in the wilderness?? There were trees everywhere?!? And no people anywhere?!??

Well anyway we trotted along to the 'town' centre and had a nose round the highstreet that is literally a high street :o shock to the system! Then off t'market to get some sweeties! Mmm proper Liverpool made cola bottles yum yum!! Obviously we then went to the pub for pub lunch (breakfast) and a good old natter!

Then off to Lauras house for a chill and off out again to get some fab shoesys for harri! Lovely and colourful! Then back to the house for her to try on and wear her brill outfit! And some phineas and ferb (googled it :) ).

Sadly I am now sat on the train back to Liverpool to a hectic house and some singing and work!!

Thank you so much barnesys for being nice and welcoming today! Fab to see my Laura though!! :)

Hope Mc x x

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Im starting fresh....

Well, Hi. I'm finally all relaxed after a hectic christmas. 13 concerts singing christmas carols over and over again can really take it out of you. haha!

  • I'm glad I don't have to hear those horrendous songs for another year!

O come all ye faithful, is only good for the descant four times but after that, it's a boring oh great not this again!

I started Uni in September (wahey!) finally, after taking an eventful gap year of doing nothing, finishing my grade 8 and then working in a college draining me of all my energy teaching music theory, playing in bands and dealing with little gets! Leaving going onto being the narrator in Joseph taking up all my time over the summer holiday.

Oh, I could never go back to living with my parents full time! grr... angry times. is it just me or does my brother actually want to kill me, or he just beats me up for the sake of it?

Well my freshers started off good with some great flat mates, Em and Steph who I love and adore and have a great laugh with, a night of writing on t shirts, getting pretty drunk and walking into my wardrobe to get a little black eye. I met such a good friend that night, Matt, who is one of my best friends and love being with. Tuesday was a social networking thing, where not a lot happened, and met my good friend Jonny. :) Wednesday saw Jonny and I going to Leeds Uni for a nose around their freshers fair collecting a load of rubbish from people and having a laugh on the 50p bus around Leeds. Wednesday night was quiz night and damn it we were so close to winning! came 3rd? I think anyway! Close enough. Thursday was open mic night with loads of people wanting to play and some great music played. Friday was Pirate night! arrrggghhh! what a laugh! with people trying hard with their costumes and those not really arsed it was a good night just getting drunk and meeting more people from uni, including another singer, Laura, a pianist, Polly, and a trumpeter, Rach from the south (eurgh). But Satruday rolled on in and ended up at propaganda with Matt, em and a few other new friends and next door friends who are into the same music having a great night dancing and just generally having a brill night.

Then it started lectures, seminars, and mostly a new singer teacher.

Yay! Lessons with a new teacher, okay, I've only ever had lessons with one teacher before and that was for 2 years. So it was d day, she had me sat on a chair interviewed me on my life and singing then got me lying on the floor breathing and sighing and moaning before I'd even sang a note at her. hmmm I still don't get along with her fully after 3 months, great!

well, uni life isn't amazing without the fantastic people I've met. thank you guys.

I'm getting boring now, so i'll be back soon, Oliver style-y

Hope Mc x