Wednesday 4 January 2012


Oh, I'm back in the horrendously cold and windy Leeds.

Well, I was saying my love for musicals in my last post. As I said, I've performed in musicals, but I love watching them. I've been dragged, well ecstatic, to go the theatre, but i'm grateful for it. I've seen shows such as; Annie, Evita, Joseph, White Christmas, Wicked, Les Miserables, Dr Dolittle, Oliver, Rocky Horror, Grease, and plenty more. All these have shown the sheer amount of work you have to put into performing and the effort I am willing to put into it.

Just putting my music books back onto my shelf at uni. Music workbooks. Oh music at school was dyer!
Year seven was just keyboarding, so was year 8 really, although in year seven we got to watch the Sound Of Music. :) I started playing the guitar in year seven which I loved. My teacher was great and taught me songs I knew!! Anyway, Year 9 was when everyone found out I sang, in my first class with a different music teacher, 'now, I'll go down the register and you need to tell me what you play and anything musical you do in or outside of school.' shit, I thought oh great got to tell them i sing.

'Hope Marie McNulty.' Shit this is it.

'yes, I have guitar lessons in school, play in the light music group, oh and I'm head chorister of my church choir.'
Phew. I don't think I've ever spoken so fast in my life. I just hid behind the keyboard.
'what the fuck?? You do opera! Haha! Gutted' was the best reaction I received wonderful!

But I loved my teacher Mr Wheatcroft. He taught us Keyboard skills, again, but we actually taught us songs and we all played together and got a little band going in the class. We did the blues which was cool, and we recorded a little 12 bar blues number. We then did Unchained Melody, had drums, guitar, keyboards and even Me and some other girl singing it! I loved my lessons with Mr Wheatcroft. He definitely persuaded me to do GCSE music and keep singing. He even made me have 6 weeks worth of singing lessons with the teacher of time, then to be told, you really need a woman singing teacher, because in my eyes, you've got a good treble voice. Great!

So I Just kept singing in high school. Sentimental songs are: Be still. Just because I loved Mr O'Keefe's shining all around face and accentuation.
Bobby Shaftoe. Shit song but funny to do!
Bridge Over Troubled Water. I hate this song, but I will always remember it, simply because I apparently say water weird in it!
The Lord's my Shepherd. This is where I first learnt the song properly. Thanks Mr O'Keefe.
Danny Boy. Peter Kay. Enough said.
Three Kings. A challenge I needed.

So, Until then, I was just singing usual christmas and church stuff, as I went to an all girls Church of England school.

But sixth form came along and I chose to do Music :) wahey!
I had a new teacher Miss Callanan as Mr wheatcroft left. She had big boots to fill and she certainly did!
Musicals was a module on our course, so we studied different songs and even got to go on a trip to see Wicked and Les Mis. Fab! I also got given a singing teacher from school. Lynne Rogers. A singing teacher, okay I can deal with that. So I started off with her really well, she got me into competitions!
Oooh Competitions you kn0bheads! Singing had never been a competition for me before, just a little hobby and now Lynne is going, go on it'll be fun, and they mark you and they give you feedback!

Ok, I'll do it I said.

so I went and luckily enough there was only 6 people in my classes but they were the same people! yay! :|
I had to be first for one of them, what the hell do I have to do?
Hope-Marie McNulty. Great my full bloody name, thanks Lynne. So I got up introduced my song and myself, and had to tell the pianist what to do and just had to sing to a room full of people, shit. Okay, I could do this, it seemed to be going well, the room was silent and everyone was staring at me, woah.
Luckily, my piece wasn't that long and I was bowing and walking back to my seat. Why the hell did I get the shakes and nerves then. I think I may have felt the brutal attacking that was about to come. So everybody else sang, then the adjudicator decides to rip into everyone :) fun times! So he did the first three people and they didn't get placed, oh I must have got something then? yay! I came second overall, for my first ever competition I was enthralled. Then the butchering, I don't like your stance, I don't like the way you pronounce this, you could be louder here, quieter there, but overall it was a really good performance. Oh right well, what part was good then? oh your not going to tell me? oh ok then. :/

I've learnt after doing over 40 competitions this is all your to expect from your adjudicators. Although, the best competition I have done was at a singing competition down south, when I sang The Lord is my shepherd (yes, again, this was one of 38), and I was in a big class, with about 30 people in. You have to wait your turn while everyone else sings, I was 25th so had a lot of waiting to do. I was sat there listening to everyone and thinking these people have the same love of music, it was great to hear so many classical singers, both male and female.

I don't know why but I always say when it's just about to be my turn, mum I don't want to do it any more. And the answer I get it, don't be stupid.

So I walked up, and thought, I have to talk and there's ten points knocked off for being a scouser! woo!
The adjudicator said, I'm still writing so if you want to talk or something, go right a head. Why did I take his offer?
'Hello, I'm Hope McNulty, and I would like to sing Howard Goodall's, The Lord's my Shepherd. Most people know this as the Vicar of Dibley theme tune, I chose this song as it means a lot to me. Religiously, saying whatever perils or dangers, God will be there . Also, my friends have given me the nickname too because I'm the religious one.' people laughed, so I just laughed along too. Oh no.
So I started to sing and just thought nothing of it, ok, nerves have gone now, shit, what am I doing? Why am I getting 'in to it'? It couldn't finish any sooner. So I took a bow and people starting clapping and standing up, what the fuck? I legged it off the stage. I felt so embarrassed. Especially when the adjudicator went at the end of it, well obviously the winner is Hope McNulty, so I'll talk about her first and give her prize now. The shame.
I'd rather sing in the competitions so I could just sing, I don't see why is should be a competition :/
But some fab experience for me.

I think I may have to leave it here for now..... be continued.......

Hope Mc x

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