Tuesday 3 January 2012

Sent Packing....

I'm sat on my bedroom floor folding clothes to put back in my bags.

So my holiday is nearly up and shall be making the trek back up to Leeds tomorrow. I didn't realise just how much stuff I own. Top after top, skirt after skirt, do I actually need all this.

Well, that's done. I'm ready to go.

Just looking around my room seeing my music books and just makes me think back on how I've got to where I am now and how hard to is to progress without luck. Flicking through the music from the first 3 years of being in my church choir. Panis Angelicus a loved favourite , Jesu, Joy another favourite for weddings. Plus all the big anthems including, O Thou the Central Orb and all the different Magnificats. That first 3 years made me fall in love with singing. Doing such meaningful anthems and doing Stainer's Crucifixion and Vivaldi's Gloria gave me such a boost and a want to be able to fulfill the standards these pieces have. Growing up being in the choir was hard, having to learn songs in a week and keep up to the standards of the boys that were in the choir before girls were allowed to join. Also, with the attitude of the choir master being boys sing a lot better than girls, we had a lot to live up to. With plenty of songs to learn at christmas, it's the most exciting part of the choir schedule, with lots of concerts and services to sing your heart out too.
Plenty of songs have a lot of sentimental value to me:
Angel Gabriel. This song was considered my solo for a few years.
Drop drop slow tears. A reminder of the suffering of Jesus that I sang a solo in.
Vivaldi's Gloria. The challenging runs and exciting chorus', with fab solo's and duets I loved singing.
Stainers Crucifixion. Holy week set to music, it's so sad and it's amazing chorus that are so meaningful.
On this day. For it's brilliant volume and it's awkward time signatures.
The Lord is my shepherd. This song will be with me all through my life. As well as doing it for Music Sunday, I've sang it at both Liverpool cathedrals, school, over 40 competitions and even my singing teachers annual concert.
Panis Angelicus. I've known this song for 12 1/2 years. And will always be one of my favourites.

Whilst being at choir, I joined a very prestigious amateur dramatic group that performs musicals. I still have quite a but of music from that too here. Joseph, Calamity Jane, Wizard of Oz (even though I didn't sing?!?), Guys and Dolls, Fame, Trinity Street Nativity, Oliver and Footloose.
These have built up my confidence so much. Making me dance has always been a low point, but I can do it, to a certain extent! Even if sometimes people totally get taken for granted and totally messed over by the musical directors, we all consider ourselves a huge family and look out for each other. I have made friends and family for life at HTYD/HTSD, Lizzy, the amazing choreographer who I adore and have an amazing laugh with. Cat, one of my favourite people who I just get on with, can talk to and always there for me. Jonny, the ladies man but the funniest person I know and the karaoke king. Julez, Jonny's brother who is absolutely down to earth and one if the most genuine people you could meet. A new member, Peter, who is such a great laugh and we can think of weird things together and laugh then carry on again. David, the musical genius that I can just chat for hours too, have a laugh and he makes me feel better when I'm down. Thank you for sharing your infinite wisdom and, of course, being there for me.
My big sister Vicky, who stands by me through everything, practically holding my hand. I owe a lot to Vicky, she's done so much for me. She picks me up when I'm down, calms me down when I'm up. She's helped me through every show and gets my accents up to scratch. I can talk to her about anything, even if it's stress, not living up to my own standards, falling off stage, men, or friends, she rescues me. I'm so glad you asked me to sing at your wedding, I hope I didn't let you down and I would do anything for you. Thank you my amazing big sis!
So some of my sentimental songs from the shows. Calamity Jane: Windy City. The most exciting song in the whole show. Enough said.
Joseph: Jacob and Sons. Those Canaan Days. These have brilliant music within these pieces.
Fame: Mabel's Prayer. What a fab, legend of a song!
Guys and dolls: it has to be Follow the Fold. Good old mission :)
Oliver: definitely That's Your Funeral. The best song in the show and the funnest!
Wizard of Oz: I hate all Wizard of Oz songs. Done.
Footloose: this is the show that got me dancing to the extreme. The songs have to be. Footloose, Somebody's Eyes, Let's hear it for the boy and I'm Free/ Heaven help me.

I grew up watching musicals; Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music, Annie, Grease and so many more. Thanks mum. So performing in HTYD has helped me develop my love for music and musicals.

I've rambled for too much for now.....

.... To be continued.....

Love Hope Mc x

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