Thursday 26 January 2012

Full up....

I said in my last blog that I had other loves other than singing growing up.

Dancing, football, church and history were what I found most enjoyable and fulfilling.
I grew up constantly wondering what people think of me, trying to fit in and be cool.
I failed. For certain.
I just can't I can't do the perfect make up thing, I'm too boisterous for it to stay on my face. I can't do the fashion thing, if it's not comfy, it doesn't get worn. My hair is either up or down, no fancy plaits or anything.
My Mum always says I have the worst taste in clothes, and my close friends will know I have the worst taste in knickers that are humanly possible! Even Primark's cheap funky knickers are too glamorous for my taste. I love horrible fluorescent green ones or ones that have chillies on with hot hot hot on the waistband. now theyre pretty funky! (Although I have told myself I need to grow up and me and the Liberal Ginge are going to buy some proper grown up knickers!!)

My nursery school was pretty boss. East Prescott Road Nursery School. Legendary, so legendary in fact, my brother also went there too! I loved this place, being creative, being a kid, and also, being introduced into music for the first time! There's a brilliant picture of me with a boy call Andrew with some drums and a tambourine. The head of the nursery used to play Grieg to us on a regular basic, and the odd Fur Elise! This is where my taste for classical music came from.

So to Moss Pits School I went. Where music was basically singing in assembly, being made to sing in your class assemblies and singing along to stupid tapes! We sang Over the Rainbow in our year two class assembly! Lovely! I now hate this song :|

I remember one lesson was air guitaring to a rock song! That was good!
Or in PE where they had the tapes that said you had to do certain dance moves to the song.
The best experience of that is the teacher that everyone hated. Mrs Story. Who got suspended for a month. Who also blamed the keyboard van because she fell over a coat. Who smashed Mrs Rutherford's Door. Who swore at a class. Yeah, she was a bit mean. We had to pretend we were an alarm clock and run around when the music was on and shake when the alarm went off. Now I literally (not really) pissed myself when she decided to join in!

I joined the choir in the junior school with Mr Raffell running it.       This is your note.      Go.    

That's all that can be said about that!

So all through my life I've been full up with different types of music, it even helped me when I was in hospital when I was ten. I could listen to music and sing songs from choir in church and feel pretty cool.

That's all really!

Hope Mc xxx

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