Tuesday 24 January 2012

Feeding my mind

When I was growing up it never even crossed my mind about trying to do something musical with my life. It was just there, I just enjoyed doing it.
Simple as.
I started off as a dancer, in a Saturday morning dance class, with the tutus, the shoes, the frocks, the bags, the lot! I loved it! All I used to do was dance when I was younger. If music was on somewhere, I would dance, at home, supermarket, I would dance. There's an infamous story of me dancing to Wannabe in my nan's local Sainsburys. Fab! My mum will not let forget it!
Even when my brother was born my mum would stick on the Spice Girls album and stick my brother in the car seat and he would just sit and watch for hours. He would cry if I stopped and I would try and explain to him that I needed to have a five minute break like superstars do when they perform on TV so the adverts can play! haha! I was such a little know it all, emphasis on the was!
I loved my dancing, and with it carrying on in drama over the summers after I had left dancing it was still apart of me even though now, I do feel I'm such a dad dancer.
I moved onto to loving football after finishing dancing, totally fanatical! Played util I was 17!
Loved it!
Well, if you know me still! Liverpool! :)

But when I got the music spark, I knew that I could stumble across learning about it I had to feed my mind.

I was 10 and too wise for my own good! I was sick of just remembering songs in choir

So, as I had had piano lessons now, I could read music so would challenge myself to follow the music up and down and try and count the notes. It took me a while to do this, seeing as I was only ten! But I've learnt that if someone plays an accompaniment, I can figure out quite well how a tune goes :) yay! Go me! It makes things a lot easier! But by the time I was 13, I knew everything (mostly!) about what was going on in the music, note lengths moving up and down dynamics, speeds and accents! All by my little self.
I swore by it, it helped me learn songs quicker seeing as when I was 13 I was head chorister of my church choir! :D cheesy grin is in order I think.
I was the first ever head girl. Move aside Jonny, move aside Dan, I was head chorister now.
Uh oh responsibility! Uh oh in charge! Uh oh have to live up to previous boys expectations! Eeek!

That was the scariest part.
Even now, I will look to Jonny for singing pop, not classical (definitely not his forte! Haha!!!) as he works so hard at it. I definitely had to make my mark.
When I was about 15 and music had starting growing on me and I had joined choirs at school, I had definitely took music more seriously. Trying to get stuff perfect, trying to go down to every last detail, trying not to miss rehearsals and having sneaky practices on my own in the Music department. I made sure I would challenge myself with songs, teaching myself Think Of Me from Phantom Of The Opera, and reading up on history of some composers.
At this time I had a big conflict in subjects. Music, PE, RE and History.
I adored PE at school! I'm sooo competitive when it comes to sports, I love football, hockey, netball and rounders! I could sit and watch for hours! Sometimes I wish could go back to play some school hockey! Would be fab!
History, I grew up bring so interested in history. It all started when I was in year 2 at school and we studied the Victorians, learning about all the antiques the way they lived and all the facts, I adored. I think that because I could ask questions on it and find out more and more really excited me. All the way through primary school This was the thing I loved the most. Break from the boring maths, English and science, I could find out what happened in the past. I remember getting over excited about writing about thomas Edison, I wrote 15 pages (handwritten) about him and received a special achievement award from school! At secondary school, I was exactly the same, but I was kinda the know it all kid, in year seven, with Mrs Mutch :(, I sat at the back in the middle the cool kid that sat at the back and knew the answers. Year 8, with Mrs Coulthard, sat at the front with my hand up in the air through the whole lesson. Year 9, with the same teacher, saw our summer exam going to the full two hours as I wrote 6 pages on the suffragettes and everyone had finished half an hour early and had to wait on me! GCSE saw me being the most annoying history geek, with even the student asking, 'you read your own books on history? Are you a geek? Your a geek?' thanks who that student teacher was, but you were a bitch! Also, this saw the rise in the how many questions could I ask Mrs Teesdale 'til she begged no more. She had to be my favourite teacher. I loved her so much. In As, I had her again with the hated (by me) Mrs Mutch! I hate/d this woman with a passion and she clearly gated me, at As I got an A in Mrs T's and an E in Mrs (bitch)m's, she said, 'what happened there? Don't you like me or something?' for me to answer, 'well I like her more? Yours is boring.' After being in a class with her for a year I decided that doing history at Uni wasn't for me! Especially after A2's consisted of me skipping her classes because I was ill clearly, hating both my new teacher who replaced Mrs T, I think I actually cried a little when I found that out, and couldn't stand being around Mrs M.

Around GCSE time, I got really into Christianity! Going to God camp, reading my bible again, not swearing, trying not to sin etc etc. I even fasted a few days over lent to get really into the spirit of things. Reading churchy books, praying a lot, even considering going into the church to do a theology degree! Eek! With help from people from church I was well into it. But luckily saw my senses and it's not too full in now, I don't think. I don't think I need to rub my religion in peoples faces and can be totally chilled about it.

I knew during A level music that I definitely had to put more effort into it.
So I took up playing the drums, asking for a kit for that coming Christmas and got teaching myself with help from playing in the light music group, also playing in the Jazz band and  orchestra. I loved having a breath of fresh air playing the drums. It urged me to take up piano again and get playing and working out pop songs.
I adore Music Theory, honestly ask my friend Joeleen from work, she had it from me all the time! She even comes to me for advice.

I'll  carry on talking about this at another point in the next couple of days.....

Hope Mc xxxxx

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